Yes, life is starting to get a little boring isn’t? Hmmm. I need something to distract me.
Or rather, I need something to motivate me to do my projects which up till now, I have no idea when is the bloody deadline, which reminds me to better ask PJ tomorrow.
Speaking of which, I need to also do up the stupid identity thing for this organization, yes, really living organization. Argh. I don’t know if I should like Felix or not, I swear.
& now I realized, my life should be quite busy, so why don’t I feel it. I want my holidays NOW!!!
I want to put aside one day for Ah Pong and the rest, one day for Min’Er they all, one day for Shermeen. I have not been spending much time with them. & me don’t like it.
Especially Ah Pong they all, I think it has been at least 2 weeks since I saw them. The last lunch was nice but that doesn’t count right?
Ohya, & I also haven’t done my ranting yet. My stupid school is organizing a field trip to Shanghai! Like OMG! & the main purpose is to visit the SWE with 3 days passes leh! Wa! I can see my baby liao. BUT! It is so frickin’ bloody expensive! ARGH! $1500 for one week and staying a bloody 3 star hotel is totally a no-ho! Hais. So close yet so far. It’s ok I guess. School is leaving on Oct which means 2 weeks after I’m back, R is coming back which doesn’t make a difference because if I can tahan for the next 6 months or so, then 2 weeks should be nothing, right?
Ok. I am going to browse through the logo of other youth organizations and I’m off to bed. Nights.