When I miss my boy lots,
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 @ 1:37 AM
Oh hi. Ha. I know its has been a few days since I update, or ok fine, I din update ytd.
Well, I don’t even think people give a heck about this place but whatever.
I miss my boy, although we just got off the phone about my hour ago. :)
Headed to ACM today, Marline couldn’t join us, which was kinda sad. But there is always a next time. Maybe a movie or something eh? Haha.
Just some random stuff.
Ok. We saw this 3 really good looking guys at the museum too. & I swear, they were noticing as well. Like totally. Aww. Ok. Contradicting only ah, say I miss my boy but I’m going gaga over 3 total freaking good looking strangers.
Hao la. Imma write my reflection and off to bed. :D