Lady Gaga went gaga and decided to have a BKA aka Below the Knee Amputation. She is nuts, like OMG nuts. You known why she got it? She got it in the name of FASHION, like siao one right?
While there are sooo many people who are upset about having their leg being removed and for the fact that they may have to lose their leg already made them so damn depress and there goes Lady Gaga doing it in the name of fashion.
P-L-U-S, she is like a model for alot of teenagers these days and everyone wants to follow her trend and she knows it! Please, it is just so god damn freaking wrong to even want to cut your leg and she does it for fashion. What if the teenagers sees it in her light and just think that maybe its ok and then the whole BKA trend starts coming about and before I know, I see people shorter or legless. Wow. That must be quite a scene.
Friend A: Eh! Hey! Omg, where’s your leg?
Friend B: Oh! Hi! Huh? I got a BKA. You know like lady gaga.
Goodness gracious Holy Mama.
You know, its just like the tattoo thing. It’s totally the same logic. First celebs starts getting it in the name of fashion and the normal people thinks its ok to pierce ink into their skin and sooner, every teenagers crave for a tattoo, and I’m no exception. It’s control at the end of the day.
But, no seriously, BKA is just SO wrong.
Maybe I should like even stop listening to Lady Gaga’s song although her dressing can be cool at times.
Goodnights. It has been a tiring week and it’s not about to stop!
Year 2…..