So, the day didn't really want to go my way and it’s still not, despite the fact that it is past 12.
The museum trip today was too costly, I swear. I should have known, I felt this hunch before I left home as I was nearly late for the field trip and I knew the day wasn’t going to turn out good. And I was right. ARGH! I should have just let myself overslept and then I went meet those St’M people and probably I won’t need to pay a high price for this trip.
Nevertheless, I had my fun no matter.
The museum was weirdly enough creepy. I don’t remember it to be this creepy when I last went there with R.
Seriously reminded me of a haunted mansion. Dark room with red light and sound of woman whining and a coffin right at the middle of nowhere in front of the dark room. And a fan in another room that spins itself, slowly, casting a shadow before people could even enter the room. The WWII one was too. Thin strand of orange light leading us into a dark “alley”. Who dare to walk sia?
Lobby of NSM. Where it wasn’t that bad.
The 2 of them having their craze.
They had the audio aid thingy which I didn’t want because I heard it before.
Me and Yanting trying to be poised.
How come I will lose Yanting one ah? She go delete is it?
So to speak, I really felt very down just now. Like totally to the depth already and all I wanted was your concern. You didn’t reply me on MSN, I also thought nothing of it, thinking you could be entertaining your friends or doing some other important stuff. But b, when you come back to me, really make it a point to come back to me. I didn’t wait for you only to tell me you are off to bed. You caught me stunned and so shocked. And so I told you how disappointed I am. You asked if I wanted you to call and I said no. B, you should know better than anyone else that I hate it when people do something just because I tell them to which by right should be done on their own accord. You gotta show you care when you really care and not me telling you, “hey its time to show me some concern.” I thought you know what kind of person I am. Still, don’t I have the slightest right to throw my temper. Why is it that you can and I can’t? You don’t wish to show concern then stay away from me. I know you think I am strong but I have a boyfriend meant for me to lean on and not going away when I need a shoulder. That is just not the way. You need people to guide you, baby, so do I. I am not some wonderwoman and for once remember, I am not made of steel, I am also a girl! I was most disappointed when I told you to understand me and you just went offline, not even bidding farewell or goodnight. What the hell is this? SO I thought you would AT LEAST send me a frinkin’ sms but no, NOTHING CAME! I told myself not to expect too much from you time and again, hoping you can prove me wrong this time, but no b, I was right, once again, that I can’t expect the least of you. Just a single, “hey, don’t worry things will be fine, ily” kind of message would be god enough to put a smile to my face despite the harsh day I had. Enough. I really have to force myself to admit, that I can’t expect too much from you. And if you are ever reading this, don’t you dare go into your mind any thoughts of ignorance and denial because it is hell true. I have seen it, been through and know it deep deep deep down that I can’t expect any emotional support from you anymore. And I don’t give a shit if you tell me the PC disconnect or whatever. There is always a bloody phone and don’t you tell me there is no money because you called me this evening and don’t say anything like you messaged, probably I didn’t receive it because I have a damn good reception in my room. Don’t do something which you should have done after I told you, it will lose its whole damn significance. GET IT?