Hello people!
I know my blog is like deprived of photos right? Haha.
I know also. A pity I didn’t bring my camera out today. Never mind. I always have my cell. Heehee.
These days, school are mad boring because I am really feeling sick. Coughing like siao every single day and feeling so uncomfortable.
I still had group assignment to do but thanks to my groupmates who are the best in the world. I can count on them to do the design work. Specially when my laptop is down, so I really can’t do much design work, so I decided to help them by doing the presentation powerpoint instead and giving ideas on how to do the design.
I am really sorry, Farhah and Zac for letting you all do the design work. I know it’s not easy.
You can tell PJ during peer assignment okie? :)
PComDi is basically preparing us for future job interview so there is strictly no design work until the first assignment is over and even if there is design work, it is also a groupwork, so it aren’t that tough. The only design work we have is to design our resume. The rest is just Word.
Met up with RBF after school and we went to City Hall to fix my laptop. Saw Enni too and she was also going to CH so we went together and it was a nice trip with her. Went to Fuijitsu and it took me less than half hour. Left my laptop with them and we headed off to Marina Square for shopping. God. Shopping trip would have been superb if I can buy without worrying. The clothes I saw were lovely but freaking expensive.
Love this piece from Topman! It’s totally something I want to wear to a after dinner party.
With black skinny and platform heels. Omg. Costs me $56. ^o^
This is a plain black tube that I would want to wear to a dinner.
It’s really comfortable, body hugging and fits me perfectly. *squeals*
Specially love the details you can find on the dress.
Ok. Of course there is more. I have this really long wish list and I hope I can at least get one of them. Most importantly, I realized I am quite into Military style now. Love the details you can find on them and their jackets and outerwear always have the best designs. Omg.
I can just go gaga over the one I saw at Mango. 2 somemore.
Shermeen was saying I am horrible today but its because I really saw many things I like. :D
Had Thai for dinner at Thai Express. It was my first time there because my family don’t really eat international cuisine. Ordered my favourite tom yam, not knowing they had both clear and spicy tom yam and in the end they served the clear one. It’s not as superb as the spicy one, but it would do, for my voice. :)
Head back tamp and had desert at Manpuku with my favourite banana chocolate tart. Shermeen likes it too. :D Bought 2 nail polishes and back home. I love today, I swear. Mad love it.
Life is totally awesome now. Like in a full swing. Although my computer is down and I am still sick but I totally want to live life like this forever. I have friends who love me for who I am and people who hates me for who I am(like I care). My family is peaceful with no ripples as from what I see. I have awesome group mates and thank god for them. Wonder what I would do without them.:) And although I am not in the same class with my usual clique but I still miss them a load. Things with baby are more than just great. & I still love him more than ever even though he is so far away from me. I always thought there will be a change in the friendship between Shermeen and I since we hardly meet up but I think I can totally put that worry aside. I still adore her cuteness and blurness and for being who she is. I have a friend like Ah Pong who seems to do almost anything in his power for me without asking for anything in return(although I do feel guilty at times) and 3 wonderful ladies in the FDM who feel bad about not having to spend time with me but love me and concern for me all the same and that is so hard to get. I have friends like HanJun and Lester, JianWei, Jasmine who would shower me with occasional yet sweet concerns. Yeah, my social circle may be small but I think I have more than enough to make my life wonderful.
And before I go, I must say this to my beloved boyfriend, Ronney.
Thanks for trying your best to be the best boyfriend the world can give me and even if many people thinks that you are not the best, well, you are just the right one for me. We may have our ups and downs but which couple wouldn’t right? Most importantly, the love and heart remains the same and that’s all that matters. Although you are 3670km away from me and for 202 days, but the care and concern, love and misses, I can feel them all. The sudden phone call today was sweeter than honey and its all these small sudden attention that can totally brighten my day and I love you for who you are, but please don’t have china accent when you come back alright? Haha. I am proud to tell people that my boyfriend is working at SWE and I am proud of you for being my boyfriend. I thank god that we still decided to walk towards each other despite all the big quarrels we had. I am sure these 7 months is something we can cross together and I don’t believe that there is anything that can let us part, right baby? I love you. :D