Hello people. Sorry for all the emo-ing that had been going for the last few days. Life can suck from time to time. Bleh. Things are getting better anyway. Haha.
So not looking forward to going Genting this weekend. Seriously. I got like 3 projects on hand. Sucks when this kind of thing doesn’t go my way right. I know. Well, at least I patch things up with my boy. <333s.
I am starting to get my elemm up so probably I would continue with it when I am in Genting.
Sigh. I lost my pencil case and I am SO upset. My internet modem is inside leh. Hais. Dunno how am I going to tell daddy. Sigh.
One of my sketches for my project. I have to do bookmarks with meaning inside it. Cannot be just the normal anywhere can buy kind. Stupid Simon and stupid module.
Now need think of packaging concept. Another stupid thing.
Try to blog again tonight. :D