Yeah, I admit, I do like HTML in the past but for tonight, no! NO! I hate it like all the way till I reach heaven or even the Pluto. HATE HATE HATE! I wonder how Celeste can be so patient with it and I salute her for that. OMG LA! So many weird weird stuff that I can’t figure out. ARGH! & I freaking hate the bloody flyout thing. That is the only thing god damn thing is freaking getting in my way and FLASH! Omg. I haven started on flash. Well, I have 2 but argh!!! & my deadline is FRIDAY!
I AM SCREWED! Ok. Maybe just for this week. Celeste! I swear, I need your help tomorrow. SOBS!!!!
Oh. And I hate SIMON WONG too. I seriously hate him AND VPRESS! Waste of my time and money! I don’t even forsee myself needing Vpress. I am so going to break down because of it. Simon should just go bang wall and knock himself and his center parting. I want to like rip his backpack and just break his glasses I swear. He sucks. & so does his subject. God. I have so many things on my hand. I totally regretted taking VPress. & Xinyi has to do PPress which is like the higher level of VPRESS. I think I should just go jump down if I had to take that. Kill me, somebody. ARGH!!!
Sigh. I should quit whining and complaining and get back to work. This block sucks. Period.