I AM 18 TODAY!!! Haha!
My usual company celebrated it for me yesterday and although I am 18, we went for the healthier choice and they all planned to have it at Sentosa and there we went. :)
Met up with the gang and had lunch over at McD’s(I had that 3 days in a row, omg). Trained down to Habourfront to get some snacks and drinks. I like buying groceries with them, feels like a family really. :D Some of us got free admission because Shermeen had passes into Sentosa since she was studying at TAS.
We headed for the Luge ride and Skyride and I really really had my fun. It was a $12 well spent. I wanna go again! Shermeen! I wanna go again!!! I regretted not bring my camera along because I really would wanna take photos from the Skyride. Never mind, still got next time.
The guys were packing our stuff into each other’s bag because Hanlin and Weisian didn’t want to go for the ride. :(
While waiting for Shermeen to buy the tix.
The tix and off we go!
We took the luge ride and we had to take the skyride back up to where we drove our carts down.
I was worried for my slippers ok! I scared will drop down so I took it off while on the ride. :)
Bestie & I. Thanks for planning my day dear! :D
And I read your “letter” on your blog to me. Love ya and Ronney does too. :DThose 4 sat together.
We were SO noisy la please. Pears pretended to drop his slipper and these 4 people really believed them and the 4 of us in front were laughing like mad. Sharon still wanted to go back look for it. Haha. :D
Went to Siloso beach even though the weather was starting to turn bad which really did and got us landed at the nearby pub/cafe. And they started playing monopoly card deal and arsehole dai di. Shermeen bought this breezer that cost $10.55 and she told everyone to drink it s-l-o-w-l-y. Haha.
That was my leftover cheeseburger.
I enjoyed this monopoly. Haha.
The rain cleared and we went to the beach there to play – volleyball and Frisbee. :D
Weisian always went to the front when it was Shermeen who served the ball. Funny to the max!
Our ball always fly very far away. Haha. Lousy group of players. Haha.
Leong Wei in action.
Hanlin’s turn.
Everyone started clapping when Shermeen could catch the Frisbee. Haha.
Then they started posing for the camera, the girls especially. :)
Headed to bathe, for the guys while the girls just wash up, & camwhore.
It was raining that’s why I had a white towel.
I like-y my QUEENS tee. Bought from HKG. :D
Then the guys started coming out. :D
The not so fierce mafia people.
Said goodbye to Sentosa and went to Central HK cafe for dinner. :)
Had black pepper cod fillet rice and the cod fish was ummm…mama-mia.
They surprised me with this cake which uh-hm, was also the cake they gave me 4 years ago. Haha. Quite creative eh, the deco. :D
Everyone keep saying I wishing for Ronney to come back. Haha. NO LA!
My wish of course got something to do with him but won’t tell ya. Haha.
I was awarded best girlfriend by bestie. Haha.
Trained down to Chinatown to meet my parents and relatives and they prepared cake too. Haha.
My dad was saying I better wish something to do with my results. Haha.
The cake was so soft lor. Haha.
So yup, I had my birthday celebrations on the eve and I am happy about it. Thanks to everybody who wish me happy birthday, I will give all of you credit in my next post.
And also, to Ah Pong who came down to my place and gave me a beautiful present. :D
So yup, that’s it. I am 18. Finally.