Yeah. Today is the 12th of April 2010.
6 months ago de today, something sweet happen because in one of the many corners of Singapore, a boy and a girl decided to give up their singlehood and from then on, they were not a singular but become a pair. :)
Need I elaborate further? :D
I made a pact with him that I will only celebrate the 1st month, the 6month and the years that came to follow. & today is our 6th month, so we just had to go out.
Went to have my hair cut and bus-ed down to Ehub to meet him. He suddenly told me to buy the 6.10pm tickets for “the date night”(how suitable ah?). I wonder how he even checked the timings la. Anyway, it was time to go in by the time he reached and we saw Evon, HuiQi and Gregory who were also watching the same movie.
So qiao hor dear? You stalk me right? I know. Shyshy.
The movie was good, I should say. Slightly impractical, but nice as a whole.
After which, we headed to Buddy Hoagies for our dinner. The food there was great and in case you are wondering where is it, it is at Ehub. Haha. Address later.
I gave him my gift too. If you want to know what I got, I spared him from giving me a gift because he just bought me the Burberry wallet and I don’t want him to spend further. And my gift to him? I made a photo album for him showing photos we took 5 years ago till we got together till now and I made him tear.
Glad you love it baby. I was really worried you don’t.
Well, he is going to receive another gift soon. On the day he departs.
Well. I’m excited about giving him the gift, but I am not excited about him leaving.
How contradicting.