Ok. Day 4 & 5 is a very short post because I was basically shopping all the time that I didn’t bother taking photos. The shops I went this time are all cheap and worth it to buy, thanks to my HK tour guide. I bought like 3 dresses and 6 tops in one day. Haha. So nothing much to say, I will just post up some photos. :D
Oh, I forgot, I went to Da Yu Shan which had this very big Buddha at the top of the mountain/hill. So yeah. Haha.
Look like a sick chicken right? I wonder why.
While waiting for the cable car.
The fog was horrible that morning and there was a time when we couldn’t see anything but white background. Pretty scary though. We couldn’t even see the cable that held the capsule.
The first that greeted us was this cotton candy shop. Like at the size of it.
Everyone was queuing to get it. I could have died of diabetes if I eat that alone.
There were 300 steps up in order to reach the Buddha and I was so tired after I reached.
Went for lunch at the nearby stall and their udon was really nice.
And they had many stray “pet” puppies. Damn cute.
We went to do some shopping after that so no more photos to show.
Bought many clothes as I say. Will put up address as soon as possible because I have many friends complaining that they can’t find places to shop in HK. :D