I can feel a different vibe from him, despite that fact that he is 3,760km away from me. Am I thinking too much? But, I can really feel the difference there. I can feel that he is changing and I don’t feel good about it. Sigh. I should probably expect it the day he left. Let’s just hope he won’t change into someone I do not want.
I seriously miss those days when he sent me home. Now I have night classes, I miss him even more. I was up the bus and I stared out of the window, hoping I could see his shadow chasing after the bus like he used too. I laughed at myself, what was I thinking. Sigh, I probably miss him too much. I can’t look at couples now, they just remind me of the happy times I had with him when he was still in S’pore. Oh god, I feel like I am obsessed with him. Sometimes I wonder, does he miss me as much I miss him.
Maybe I should just stop wondering. Sigh.
Today is this girl’s birthday!
Haha. We surprised her with brownies and a card and she totally cried over it. Awww.
Well, glad she enjoyed it. A pity I didn’t bring my camera. Never mind. At least she was happy.
Visual Presentation was so-so. Haven’t start on my board cutting yet. Gonna wake up early(for once) and do it in school. Teehee! I must must must wake up early! Lecturer was Simon whose voice and accent I am really attracted too but not the looks. I totally dig his accent.
All guys with nice accent are cute. Haha. Oops.
Anyway, the first project seems easy but tough. So I must JIAYO!